Visit Ouvea Island in 3 days
If you are planning a stay in Ouvea, there are certain spots that you absolutely must visit. Aircalin offers you a 3-day itinerary on the island.
In its thin strip of land connecting the northern and southern parts, the morphology of the island of Ouvea is recognizable among all the atolls of the Pacific. The one nicknamed "the island closest to paradise" in homage to the Japanese writer Katsura Morimura who has largely contributed to the fame of the island. Consecration for this natural jewel: Ouvea has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Day 1 - The beauties of the south
Mouli, the paradise
If you are looking for long white sandy beaches that never ends, then thanks to our flights to New Caledonia, you have found the perfect place to spend your vacation. Stay at Paradis d'Ouvea Hotel, located in Mouli beach. You can spread out your towel and take a dip in its turquoise waters. Under the Mouli bridge, you can admire the incessant ballet of rays, turtles and other marine life. Also with a short hike, visit the nearby cliffs of Lekiny, pierced with caves.
Excursion to the Pleiades
From the north and south, the island of Ouvea is extended by groups of islets, called the Pleiades. There are about ten of the islets in the south, spreading over several kilometers. Local guides propose taking sea trips to discover these small natural jewels. On the program, they include boat rides, snorkeling to discover a host of underwater species and a small home-made snack.

Escapade at the blue hole of Hanawa
Finally, on the central part of Ouvea Island, where the blue hole of Hanawa is located. It is only 40 meters separating the two sides! The blue hole, located at the edge of the road, is easy to spot. It is a sea water cavity with a thin layer of fresh water on its surface.
After these aquatic escapades, return back to Mouli beach, to enjoy a spectacular sunset.

Day 2 - The north and its marine creatures
Scuba diving at Taurus Pass
For the diving enthusiasts, this is where you'll find the most beautiful diving spots in Caledonia. Going to the Northern Pleiades, you will find the Taurus Pass. Thanks to exceptional visibility, it is the meeting point of several marine life of the large pelagics, such as dogtooth tuna, as well as the landmark of manta rays and leopard rays.

The Shark Pass
To the north of the island, it is suggested from the local guides to take walking tours from St. Joseph, to visit the Grand Nord beach and it's hSark pass. Lemon sharks have taken the habit of coming to reproduce in this area and you will see young specimens circulating frequently. The specificity of this species is to return to give birth in its own birthplace.
Day 3 - a preserved nature with a heavy past
Meeting with the Ouvea parakeet
The famous Ouvea parakeet is an endemic species, it is among the most endangered species in the Pacific. Most of these psittacidae live in the north great forest of the island. They can be observed around the Beauvoisin Lodge, in the commune of Gossanah and guided tours can also be organized.
The artisanal knowledge of Ouvea
In Wadrilla, make a stop at the coconut oil factory. In the early 1990s, thanks to its coconut grove of more than 3,000 hectares, the island of Ouvea began to produce copra oil. This oil is used as biofuel, but also as a raw material for the production of soap.